Redline’s LTE program follows the 3GPP standards, meeting or exceeding specifications. Redline offers a variety of devices that covers frequency ranges from 450 MHz to 6 GHz. Redline also offers a variety of devices that covers frequency ranges from 450 MHz to 6 GHz.

Cambium Networks offers secure and reliable wireless broadband solutions for customers around the world. Their mission is to connect the unconnected globally.
DragonWave® Harmony Enhanced is a high capacity, long reach, multi-service radio operating in the 6-42 GHz spectrum bands. Harmony Enhanced is a merger of DragonWave-X’s Flagship Harmony Radio and Horizon Compact+ into a next-generation, ultra-high capacity microwave system.
State-of-the-art microwave radio complete portfolio including split mount, full outdoor and all indoor systems across traditional licensed bands and millimetre wave, supporting MEF, IP/MPLS and SDN protocols and a multi-platform comprehensive NMS.
Racom’s mission is to help keep the public safe and secure by providing rugged, resilient & robust communications solutions backed with the most reliable, responsive & relentless implementation and support to first responders everywhere.